Dataverse has great out of the box auditing capabilities. Configuring the tables and columns you wish to audit is simple. Users have the ability to access the audit history for a record directly from its form. Audit logs consume log storage capacity which is expensive and you can configure the retention period for your audit logs to reduce your log storage usage. Synapse Link for Dataverse now supports exporting your audit logs to a Data Lake. You can use this to store your audit logs indefinitely at a much lower cost than Dataverse log storage. You can also easily query your audit logs table in your Data Lake using tools like Power BI or TSQL
You need to be configure your Synapse Link to export in Delta Lake format to include the audit table in the export. To use Delta Lake you need to have an Spark Pool provisioned and configure this when you create your Synapse Link for Dataverse. Spark Pools do incur costs when running so you need to aware of these additional costs if you are not already exporting in Delta Lake format.
Your Spark pool needs to be version 3.3 and at least medium node size to use it with Synapse Link for Dataverse.
Once your audit log gets synched to your data lake you can query the audit table in your data lake.
There are a few columns in the audit table you worth looking at
For example I can query the audit tables for all the audit records relating to the ABC Group account by using its guid
The changedata column contains details on what was changed in Json format. Sample below
{"changedAttributes":[{"logicalName":"name","oldValue":"ABC","newValue":"ABC Group"},{"logicalName":"creditlimit","oldValue":null,"newValue":"55000"},{"logicalName":"creditlimit_base","oldValue":null,"newValue":"55000"},{"logicalName":"websiteurl","oldValue":null,"newValue":""},{"logicalName":"telephone1","oldValue":"5555555","newValue":"01 234 1456"},{"logicalName":"paymenttermscode","oldValue":null,"newValue":"1"},{"logicalName":"industrycode","oldValue":null,"newValue":"3"},{"logicalName":"address1_shippingmethodcode","oldValue":null,"newValue":"2"}]}
Exporting your audit logs to a Data Lake, in combination with a reasonable audit retention policy in Dataverse, should allow you satisfy your organizations data retention policy without costing a fortune. I have written some other posts on Synapse Link for Dataverse which may be of interest.