A use case I like with to use with Flow and Logic Apps is to create a workflow triggered by a Http Request that acts as an API endpoint. In a previous post I explained how to do it and […]
One of the never ending challenges of using Dynamics 365 was how to generate and email PDF’s using data from Dynamics. While Word templates went some way towards solving the problem they have not been improved for a number of years. So […]
While doing some testing recently with Logic Apps I had some workflows fail with a status code of 429 when calling Dynamics 365 actions. A 429 status code indicates that the number of API calls to Dynamics 365 in one […]
Up until recently synchronizing data in in the cloud with an on premise database was a major challenge which typically involved writing code. With the Digital Transformation revolution and the availability of a range of integration offerings in Azure this […]
You can create Logic Apps and Flow workflows that trigger on receipt of a Http request and optionally receive a Json payload. This technique can be used as an integration pattern in a B2B enviroment. You can design your Json scheme specifically […]